Here are some 8 secrets that can keep your knee cartilage healthy and prevent you from getting arthritis as you age

1.Strengthen your thigh muscle

Quadriceps and hamstring are the two major group of muscle above the knee. This needs to be strengthened to reduce the impact on the knee. The other muscle that needs to be strengthened along with are the hip flexors, abductors and adductors.

2.Muscle stretch

Not only strengthening but stretching too is equally important to achieve the desired range of movement. Adding yoga, Tai chi and Zumba can help achieve this.

3.Maintain ideal body weight

Extra weight leads to extra load on the joint. So reducing the weight can decrease the extra damage to the joint. Even a 5 kilogram loss in weight will have significant improvement in the knee cartilage. Not just weight loss but maintaining it is the key.

4.Low impact exercise

Exercise plays a major role in knee cartilage health. Cartilage need low impact exercise to be nourished and to maintain the optimal weight. Swimming or under water exercise the best followed by cycling, and then comes walking. Running with sudden pivoting movement can cause cartilage damage.

5.Playing sport

Playing sport can be a fun way to stay healthy and optimise your weight. But contact sports or sport involving pivoting movement, abrupt stop and start can sometime be bad for your knees unless trained properly.

6.Mix up exercise

Same repetitive exercise can add muscle fatigue and cartilage sheer if done for long. Moreover only one group of muscles are trained. So it’s wiser to mix up the exercise routine both the decrease the damage and strengthen all muscle groups.


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7.Stay active

Any form of activity is good and if done daily is the best. Staying active everyday prevents stiffness and muscle loss. Thereby it can protect the knee.

6 exercise to manage knee osteoarthritis

8.See your doctor

If the pain persists or if the knee is swollen, please do visit the doctor. They can help you based on the clinical and radiological findings.

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