Arthroplasty / Joint Replacement

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Any type of damage to your joints (from injury or disease) can create joint pain and limit your movement. Many different conditions can cause joint pain, including but not limited to:


Sprains and strains


Fractures and other injuries


Conditions like gout and bursitis


Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis


Post-traumatic arthritis (arthritis that develops following a joint injury)

Joint pain is very common and becomes an even more common occurrence as we age. If chronic joint pain is slowing you down, schedule an appointment to find out what is causing your pain and discuss your treatment options.

Your Joint Pain Treatment Options

Depending on the cause of your joint pain, there are many treatment options available to you.

Conservative treatment options include, but are not limited to:

  • Medication Medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants may be prescribed to alleviate your pain.
  • Physical Therapy and Exercise The application of a targeted exercise program can help to strengthen and stabilize the muscles around your painful joint, improving your range of motion. It can also help with weight loss, which limits the pressure you put on your joints through daily weight-bearing activities.

If conservative treatment is not successful, you would likely proceed to interventional methods or joint injections. The most common joint injections both seek to alleviate pain and increase the range of motion.

They are:

  • Steroid Injections Steroid injections are used to treat inflammation, arthritis, and joint disease.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections Also referred to as viscosupplementation, hyaluronic acid injections are used to treat osteoarthritis (most commonly in the knee).

Finally, there are 2 main surgical options for dealing with joint pain:

  • Arthroscopic Surgery Arthroscopic surgery (or joint scope) is a minimally invasive surgical option which uses a small incision and arthroscope to view and operate on a damaged joint. In cases of joint pain, arthroscopic surgery can be used to clean out or repair the damaged area of the joint.
  • Joint Replacement – If the joint is damaged beyond repair, the final option is a joint replacement, which removes and replaces all or part of the damaged joint with an implant such as

Partial knee replacement


Total knee replacement


Total hip replacement


Total shoulder replacement


Reverse shoulder replacement

Total Knee Replacement

Unicondylar Knee Replacement

Better Health Care is Our Mission

Get an immediate relief to your knee-related problems from Shri Bone & Joint Clinic.


Shri Bone & Joint clinic

#1, 2nd Main Road
Nehru Nagar
Chennai - 20.

Phone: 044 3549 0206

MGM Healthcare

Nelson Manickam Road,
Collectorate Colony, Aminjikarai,
Chennai - 600029.

Phone: 044 4524 2424